Forums / The hangaround / Resistance against Septim I

Resistance against Septim I
02:42:44 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Prince Calus Septim V


3/22/2008 12:54:11 AM
I want a resistance against me!!! Dang you Plato and your horrible sp@m!!! I will fight against you in hopes that I will get a thread called 'resistance against Septim'. MUAHAHAHAHA!!!

Here ya go!

lol, I made this because you wanted it, but I doubt anyone is gonna join but penguin, who is an annoying multi and why do I keep making these long sentences and i have nothing against you spaamalot!

*faints from lack of air*

03:27:43 Mar 28th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:


05:03:26 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Justin:

dangit plato i was gonna start a resistance aggainst septim

07:48:47 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

Aw... nobody ever makes a Salaracen Vineraven fanclub dedicated to me....(hint hint)

10:33:04 Mar 28th 08 - Sir Valentine:

I WILL JOIN AGAINST YOU SEPTIM!! Come!! Fight me like a chicken!!


23:45:48 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Andersin:

*beep* you plato, I'm hardly his multi!
Stickman was joking so stop taking it up the ass!
and, if anything, he's MY multi!
(lol, j/k!)

23:48:10 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:

im prtty sure stick was serious...
yup, im pretty definite ur my multi...
lol, duz this mean he'll be deleted...

stop whinin u can make a new one, u dont even play the game...

01:35:42 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Plato:


03:13:05 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Ellsworth Raymond "Bumpy" Johnson (1906 - July 1968) was an American gangster in Harlem in the early 20th century. He was from Charleston, S.C. and moved to Harlem with his parents as a youth. He was given the nickname "Bumpy" because of a large bump on the back of his head.

Bumpy Johnson was a former associate of mob boss Stephanie St. Clair. He was one of the leading organized criminals in Harlem to fight an unsuccessful war against Dutch Schultz, who incorporated the city's organized crime into the Jewish and Italian mobs of the day. He was later hired as an enforcer by the Genovese crime family to protect Mafia operations in Black neighborhoods against local Harlem criminals.

Johnson was arrested more than 40 times and would eventually serve three prison terms for narcotics-related charges before dying of a heart attack in 1968 at Harlem's Wells Restaurant. Frank Lucas claimed to be with Bumpy at his death, but Johnson's widow disputes this account and claims Lucas has exaggerated his relationship with Johnson.[1] At the time of his death, Johnson's case was pending for another narcotics violation that could have earned him a possible fourth prison term.

Once in December 1965, Johnson staged a sit-down strike in a police station, refusing to leave, as a protest against their continued surveillance. He was charged with "refusal to leave a police station" but was acquitted by a judge.[2]

03:28:07 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Stickman:

Someone shut the muli's up PLEASE..

03:34:33 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Plato:

"Septim burned the banhammer, so I can't ban them.  So I'm gonna whack them with Demonsul's sword!"

03:35:08 Mar 30th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:


04:10:29 Mar 30th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

I think its like a bar made up of nuts or something....

04:12:35 Mar 30th 08 - Mr. Plato:

Muli - A sugary orcish fruit, used in many orc desserts.

00:13:54 Mar 31st 08 - Mr. Penguincueso:

sounds delicious!!!
(nice, septim)

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